Photo shows Wheaton, IL College Nannies+Sitters+Tutors location displaying Anastasia Gustafson’s art.
I work for College Nannies+Sitters+Tutors as a tutor–but sometimes, I get to have fun and paint the windows, too! During the December 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, College Nannies+Sitters+Tutors asked me to bring some much needed holiday cheer to the windows of the Wheaton, IL location.
I used acrylic window paint, chalk markers, and the power of my mind! All the art was drawn free-hand. (References showcased below!)
Here are the links to my references:
Wreath Inspiration from Window Painting Blog Spot Artist, Rachael:
Grinch Hand Inspiration from Printables “4” Mom:
The Grinch Free Art Printable for Christmas